I Eat Chocolate Everyday

I don’t ignore my sweet-tooth, I embrace it…..on a regular basis. I each chocolate probably every day. I’m not kidding. I tell people this, and they look at me like I’m crazy. How can I eat chocolate every day and still be “lean” or “fit” and not “fat”. Body composition is math. If you eat the amount of calories your body needs, then you won’t gain weight. If you eat less, you’ll lose weight, if you eat more, you’ll gain. Simple. Because chocolate is deemed as “unhealthy” people automatically assume that you cannot eat it without getting “fat” or feeling guilty. I understand where this mindset comes from. I honestly used to deprive myself of sweets and I went crazy. I would refrain from any kind of craving and then once I gave in, I would get a large DQ Blizzard and then feel bad. I thought I ruined my progress and would regret the choice all together.


Since then, I have learned to embrace my sweet-tooth everyday. By doing this I no longer EVER crave that DQ Blizzard, or feel like I need to binge on 75 cookies (okay I’m exaggerating, but you get the point). I’m not saying that eating chocolate is the healthiest choice every day, but I am saying that one portion of chocolate is not going to kill you. I would rather eat my “treats” everyday than deprive myself and feel the need to indulge like crazy. With that being said, I’m NOT saying that having a DQ Blizzard (or any kind of treat), is bad in moderation. And I’m also not saying that I personally don’t ever go get ice cream (or whatever), because I do. But my point is, that if you eat balanced and in moderation, you should be able to go to a buffet and be able to resist the temptation to eat every single thing on display (then feel like crap after). It’s called eating intuitively.

I know myself, I know what I crave.  I let myself have these “treats” because I know that I fuel my body with mostly nutrient-dense foods throughout the day. I also make sure not to let myself go super hunger, because that increases the chance of devouring that bag of not-so good cookies, or that container of ice cream that my mom hides in the back of the fridge 😉

Health, fitness and happiness takes work, takes practice, takes research and experimentation. Everyone is different. We all find various approaches to what works for us, for our personal goals and for what makes us happy. Sometimes you need to take a step back and evaluate what you’re doing, decide to make a change and then test it out. What you put into your body directly affects how you feel from the inside out.

Cinnamon Roll Mug Cake

Happy Good Friday! OMG woke up so sore. My legs are killing me! It actually hurt to sleep last night! Giving myself a rest day.


I like to train most days because I enjoy it and I want to, but giving myself rest days are just as important.  I usually rest when I literally cannot fit training into my schedule because of other priorities (aka work, school, vacation, etc.). Life isn’t revolved around working out, well kind of 😉 I also listen to my body, I know a lot of people say “half a workout is better than no workout”, but sometimes if I’m sore, and I know my body is physically not into it, I know I won’t get a good session in. So, I rest up and recover and know that tomorrow I’ll have even more energy to make progress. Also, it gives me more time to think up recipes and experiment in the kitchen because I am devoted to eating well and proving to you that you can eat healthy and balanced, while still having delicious meals!! Today I was in the mood for a Cinnamon Roll Quest Bar so I created another version of a delicious mug cake.


  • 1/2 Cinnamon Roll Quest Bar
  • 1/4 cup egg whites
  • 1/4 cup milk (I used Chocolate Soy Milk)
  • 2 tbsp PB2
  • 2 tbsp oat flour (take regular oats and grind them in a Magic Bullet)
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder


  • Cut up Quest Bar into little pieces (half go in mug cake, half go on top)
  • Spray mug with cooking spray
  • Combine all ingredients in mug (remember to keep half of the Quest pieces for topping)
  • Microwave for 1 minute and the continue for 10 second intervals making sure it doesn’t overcook
  • Add toppings!
  • I topped mine with 1tbsp of peanut butter, rest of Quest Bar & cinnamon.
  • Enjoy!photo-23

Macros (without peanut butter topping)

Calories: 245

Carbs: 29g

Fat: 7g

Protein: 26g

You can buy Quest Bars by clicking on this link.

You also get a free bar with your purchase!
